Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pale Shadows

I once heard that the people, places, and things in life that we cherish the most are just pale shadows compared to what God has in store for us.  This phrase has always stuck with me...imagining that the most cherished times in my dearest loved ones...the most amazing food I have ever tasted...are all pale shadows compared to God's greatness and glory. As I imagine shadow puppets on the wall, I am reminded that while they look (sometimes) like what they are supposed to be, they lack the detail and realness of what they are mimicking.  It's hard for my mind to wrap around the idea of my most cherished people and parts of life as pale shadows because of how much they mean to me. However, when I truly reflect on the vastness of God (to the amount that my human mind can try to understand), I await and yearn for the day when my most cherished things become shadows; to quote one of my favorite hymns...the things of this earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His Glory and Grace.

I am starting this blog for a number of of which I will address in my next entry. As many of you know, I blogged for one year while I was on the World share where I was, what I was doing, and the lives that impacted my life. Almost 4 years have passed and while I am working a 9-5 job and living in the city of Chicago, I believe God is doing just as much in my life as he was on the World Race...and I want to share those things. I am hoping to share my life and heart in hopes that it will resonate with yours.


  1. This is so great! I love your heart and your writing... both are beautiful! Pumped to have them in one place again :) Love you, bestie!

  2. silly thought:

    also, I don't know what shadows you're looking at these days but those ones in Honduras looked exactly like what they were suppossed to... fun!

  3. Yay!! I'm so stoked to follow along on the journey! xoxo

  4. Very excited to read the things you have to share.

  5. AH this is so great!!!!! I am very excited! love YOU!
